Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Reflection on teaching integrated unit

I had a lot of fun teaching this unit with my class. My collaborating partner enjoyed it as well. We did find some of the scheduling was difficult because a lot of the lessons required technology. Our school only has one laptop cart, which meant we couldn't be doing two lessons that used technology at the same time. I did find that some of the lessons were difficult for students because the students were just beginning first grade, as opposed to ending. This can make a big difference.

I had not typically done a perception survey with students after a unit. My partner and I found it interesting to look at each student's survey afterward. Because we know the students well, their personalities seemed to fit with their survey. For instance, some students have a fairly negative outlook on things whereas others would always say that they loved everything. It did impact how or what I may teach the unit next time.

My first grade colleague and I usually plan many lessons together. Being able to discuss how each lesson goes is helpful. Also, if one of us teaches it a day ahead we can give each other tips or tricks that may help the lesson go more smoothly. Overall, I think that planning and teaching a unit together is a good idea. I'm not sure as though I would go through every step that we did last semester, but the BIG IDEA is a good one.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Collaboration- Stage 3


My partner and I found it difficult to complete the assignment of stage three because of the technology and the more difficult facets. It is difficult to have our students type a lot, especially in the fall. So, many of her tasks consist of short pieces of writing accompanied by a picture on the computer. We also found that some of her ideas overlapped with my ideas. I guess it shows that we are used to integrating without putting too much thought into it!
My partner did think that meeting the seven types of learning was hard to do. I agreed with her. It seemed as though we were stretching things so far that it was not really an accurate use of the learning style. As I have felt with the technology pieces, it felt like we were doing things just to stick them in and fulfill the requirements. I am not sure that they all are a beneficial use of my student’s time.
When leading my partner through the process I almost thought we were duplicating a lot of the thinking I had already done. She had a lot of the same lesson ideas! However, her goals were more related to the reading and writing aspect of the work, whereas mine focused on the health issues. My partner asked a lot of questions. I seemed to be able to answer most, except for the justification for using technology at some points. Also, we added some things just to fulfill the seven learning styles requirement. I think it was easier to do this process with my partner than it was myself because I had seen the whole process through. The guidance I gave my partner was not as much as in the previous stages. It seemed like this was the easier stage for us. This stage really showed us how much elementary teachers truly integrate already.
Honestly, I don’t think I will be truly sold on this whole concept until we see the lesson through in the fall. I understand the backwards concept, but don’t agree with all the technology I placed in it. However, I will not say it doesn’t work until I see it fail with my own eyes! My partner and I plan to go into the unit with a positive attitude, regardless of our skepticism.
I am glad to hear that the schedule of the master’s program will be revisited. It would be much easier to plan a lesson knowing the group you have and the level of skills they will have. Luckily, I will remain at the same grade level for next year. That would have thrown a big curve at me!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chapter 12- In Service Teachers

Reflection for TPACK, Chapter 12- TPCK In-Service Education

This chapter seemed like a review of the previous eleven chapters we have read. What I found interesting about it were some of the specific things the author recommended to do when teaching experienced teachers. My first thought was, exactly when do you move from a chapter eleven teacher to a chapter twelve teacher? I guess I would not consider myself a preservice teacher, but the term experienced teacher seems too much for me! So I wondered exactly where I would fit in this philosophy.
I loved the idea on the first page of this chapter, which referred to teaching as “creative planning and spontaneous improvisation.” It is so true! We do the best planning we can, and are actors from there on! I had a difficult time getting in to this chapter from the music and jazz references and comparisons. Both of these things are foreign to me, which made some of the concepts difficult to grasp.
I enjoyed the reminder that technology is any tool that helps us to teach or students to learn. It does not always involve a computer, the internet, or Type Two technology. Technology assists teachers, not replaces them. An important thing to remember is that there is no one way to use or incorporate technology. Each teacher uses technology in his or her own way. This does not mean the students that graduate from that classroom are any more or less prepared with the standards on the curriculum.
The advice that the author gave that I liked best about teaching experienced teachers the TPACK model, was to explain to teachers why they need to learn something. It needs to have a direct link to their classroom. I, personally, feel as though this is true for all teachers- present or future. I think it is something we owe to all students, an explanation of why we are expecting them to learn each skill or concept.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Chapter 11- Preservice Teachers

Reflection to TPACK, Chapter 11- Guiding Preservice Teachers

There were many valuable things that would apply to my classroom in this chapter. I think the whole idea of teaching preservice teachers to teach in a way different from how they learned is interesting. I do believe that children and adults alike can learn more by teaching others. However, I do think it is possible for new teachers to use technology successfully in their classroom even though they didn’t necessarily learn through technology.
The biggest concept that I identified with was that classroom management can be entirely different when using technology. The use of technology, as with anything else in the classroom, needs to be introduced with specific rules and guidelines. Just as we spend tons of time in the first week of school learning all the procedures of the classroom, learning how to walk in the hallway, learning how to use the bathroom, or learning how to eat in the cafeteria, students need to be taught how to treat all types of technology- computers, overhead, or calculators. Without the preteaching and training, all technology will be chaotic. I did enjoy the definition of a noisy, but positive classroom. It is true that not all noise in a classroom is negative!
I like to consider technology as a way to sometimes better give students access to learning. It is not always necessary to use technology, but it is important to use technology to enhance your lessons. Pushing technology into many lessons for the sake of doing so, I believe, can cause the chaos and craziness that is not productive. I love exploring the assistive technology center to find new ways to make learning easier and exciting for my first graders. This is the kind of technology I especially enjoy. Simply having laptops on tables does not improve instruction in my classroom.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 5- Foreign Languages

Reflection for Chapter 5- Foreign Languages

I should preface this reflection by stating that I know next to nothing about teaching a foreign language. I took two years of Spanish in high school and I watched my first graders being taught a foreign language for two years. That is the only reference I have to teaching another language.
There was one idea that intrigued me. I would like to research and find out more about the language acquisition device. This device allows children to learn grammar and language rules. I am thinking that this also applies to young students who are still acquiring their first language. A few of my first graders are continuing to work on their language development with our speech clinician. For some students the lack of language development effects their reading and writing. So, this is something I would like to find out more about.
For students learning a new language at all levels, I can just imagine how the internet and other technologies have assisted in this process. Students now have access to people speaking that particular language all around the world. When my first graders were learning Spanish, the teacher talked a lot about Spanish culture and traditions. The students were very interested in this and helped to build on their vocabulary.
I did highlight and enjoyed reading the quote on page 117 that stated, “there is no single technological solution that applies for every teacher, every course, or every view of teaching.” It reminded me that my classroom, my students, and my teaching is different from everyone else’s. Therefore, I have the right to use my professional judgement and decide when and how to use technology. I like that idea!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chapter 8 - Arts in Education

Reflection for TPACK, Chapter 8- Arts Education

Although I do not directly teach art or music, dance or drama, this chapter did give me some good ideas. When beginning the chapter I immediately thought of using technology to be create in an art or music sort of way. For my students, this may be using Pixie to make a creative illustration or recording a song using Garageband. The idea I got was to use the internet in a more global way. If we were studying a different culture, we could research it or visit museums. We could maybe even find interviews or diary entries from history.
This chapter was packed full of great websites that I plan to visit. I am sure I will also get a wealth of ideas from them. I was glad they gave a brief description of the sites so that I knew which may apply to me.
I have to admit that I never had considered dance or drama a part of our curriculum. I have always thought dance was an extra curricular activity, not even offered in most schools. This section threw me off a little bit. Then I thought it’s only fair, since we train kids to use their voices and thoughts to express themselves that we also teach them to use their body. As listed on page 189 of the text, technology enhances our teaching and students’ learning in so many ways. Kids can visit places they never dreamed and see things they never thought they would see. Although funding has dropped and most of us do not have field trips we can go anywhere. The world is now available to us, mostly for free!
I have to end with a quote that I loved, from page 189 also: “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework (Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann in Laugh-In).” I think this quote is very powerful and is something I strive to do.

Physical Education- Chapter 10

Reflection for TPACK, Chapter 10- Physical Education

I chose to read this chapter next because I was real curious about how the author was going to incorporate technology into physical education classes. Physical education focuses on teaching motor skills and coordination. I had no idea how technology would be used to help that.
In thinking about physical education at my level, Kindergarten to second grade, I could only picture students running on treadmills or other mechanical equipment. That, of course, seemed impractical to me.
What I discovered was that physical education teachers can use tools or devices to assist their students. I thought of using some tools to assist the students with special needs in my classroom. There are a lot of assistive technology devices that they use during physical education class and in physical and occupational therapy services.
As the chapter discussed students need specific feedback immediately after a skill is performed. If possible, teachers could videotape and play students performing the skills. The class could watch and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the skills presented. I actually chuckled when the idea of heart rate monitors was raised. In these very tough times, I would be shocked if any school district was able to purchase such equipment.
Although it would not be type two technology, physical education teachers, as well as all teachers, can use technology to create materials. This might include posters, graphs of progress, individual cards to review skills, or maybe even class lists.