Monday, May 11, 2009

Collaboration- Stage 3


My partner and I found it difficult to complete the assignment of stage three because of the technology and the more difficult facets. It is difficult to have our students type a lot, especially in the fall. So, many of her tasks consist of short pieces of writing accompanied by a picture on the computer. We also found that some of her ideas overlapped with my ideas. I guess it shows that we are used to integrating without putting too much thought into it!
My partner did think that meeting the seven types of learning was hard to do. I agreed with her. It seemed as though we were stretching things so far that it was not really an accurate use of the learning style. As I have felt with the technology pieces, it felt like we were doing things just to stick them in and fulfill the requirements. I am not sure that they all are a beneficial use of my student’s time.
When leading my partner through the process I almost thought we were duplicating a lot of the thinking I had already done. She had a lot of the same lesson ideas! However, her goals were more related to the reading and writing aspect of the work, whereas mine focused on the health issues. My partner asked a lot of questions. I seemed to be able to answer most, except for the justification for using technology at some points. Also, we added some things just to fulfill the seven learning styles requirement. I think it was easier to do this process with my partner than it was myself because I had seen the whole process through. The guidance I gave my partner was not as much as in the previous stages. It seemed like this was the easier stage for us. This stage really showed us how much elementary teachers truly integrate already.
Honestly, I don’t think I will be truly sold on this whole concept until we see the lesson through in the fall. I understand the backwards concept, but don’t agree with all the technology I placed in it. However, I will not say it doesn’t work until I see it fail with my own eyes! My partner and I plan to go into the unit with a positive attitude, regardless of our skepticism.
I am glad to hear that the schedule of the master’s program will be revisited. It would be much easier to plan a lesson knowing the group you have and the level of skills they will have. Luckily, I will remain at the same grade level for next year. That would have thrown a big curve at me!

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