Saturday, March 21, 2009

Physical Education- Chapter 10

Reflection for TPACK, Chapter 10- Physical Education

I chose to read this chapter next because I was real curious about how the author was going to incorporate technology into physical education classes. Physical education focuses on teaching motor skills and coordination. I had no idea how technology would be used to help that.
In thinking about physical education at my level, Kindergarten to second grade, I could only picture students running on treadmills or other mechanical equipment. That, of course, seemed impractical to me.
What I discovered was that physical education teachers can use tools or devices to assist their students. I thought of using some tools to assist the students with special needs in my classroom. There are a lot of assistive technology devices that they use during physical education class and in physical and occupational therapy services.
As the chapter discussed students need specific feedback immediately after a skill is performed. If possible, teachers could videotape and play students performing the skills. The class could watch and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the skills presented. I actually chuckled when the idea of heart rate monitors was raised. In these very tough times, I would be shocked if any school district was able to purchase such equipment.
Although it would not be type two technology, physical education teachers, as well as all teachers, can use technology to create materials. This might include posters, graphs of progress, individual cards to review skills, or maybe even class lists.


  1. Amity- I loved the activity tv site! I have only looked at a few, but I look forward to learning some new dances! We always sing in first grade, and I've been trying to learn more dances so that we can dance along with it! We try to put activity in everything too. It makes the work more fun.

    Kurt- Oh my goodness, I love that word game! I'm a word person though! I got some good ideas from the PE website you had, which doesn't use technology, but could be integrated into other things. I found a great center activity for Dr. Seuss week! Thanks!

  2. Cool, I found that it was difficult to find plans that integrated technology for the younger grades, but there are a few. I wonder if they could handle the use of a heart-rate monitor. I bet it would fascinate them.
